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KMT Produktions- + Montage-Technik GmbH
Spittelbronner Weg 21
D-78056 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel.: +49 7720 9919 0
Fax: +49 7720 9919 19

Trade Register Number:
Registergericht Freiburg HRB 600540
Ust-IdNr.: DE 142993725

Management: Marc Heiter, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Site conception and production:                                                      Annika Heiter, Webmaster – KMT GmbH

In addition to classical elements such as the HTML programming language for internet pages, this internet page also makes use of functions which should ensure that your visit to our site is a pleasurable experience. We use also technologies such as JavaScript. Should you have problems on account of this technology please contact our webmaster webmaster@kmt-montagetechnik.de

Links on our pages can be recognized by blue text. With one click on these highlighted positions you can reach the information there. Regarding links to external pages, that is non-KMT pages, the following notes apply: we have carefully selected these links to provide you with interesting information. However, the Hamburg Law Court has decided in their judgment of 12.05.1998 that through the promulgation of links one can be called to co-account for the content of such linked pages. This situation can only be avoided on condition that such responsibility is specifically excluded. We therefore hereby emphasize that we have neither influence on, nor responsibility for, the design and content of linked pages including any sub-pages.

Data protection
We take data protection seriously. We guarantee that all information which you transmit to us will be treated as strictly confidential and will never be made available to unauthorized persons. Your data is stored electronically by us in order to ensure you are provided with our extensive services. This data storage is subject to statutory regulations designed to protect your and our interests in accordance with the Data Protection Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Please see our complete Privacy Statement.

All content (texts, graphics, layout, technology, databases) of this website is protected by copyright law. The copying and public reproduction of any sort, particularly the unapproved use in an internet-offer, also in extracts, is not permitted without our express and written consent. Please get in touch with us if you wish to use the content of our internet presentation for purposes other than those in connection with our website.